Pop Culture Musings and Other Stuff


367 page 6x9 epic trade paperback packed with reviews and essays about all sort of cool stuff.

From the back cover:

Pop Culture Musings and Other Stuff is an epic collection of reviews, articles, and essays covering film, television, music, books, and all things pop culture.In his first nonfiction book, novelist/screenwriter/short story writer James J. Caterino delivers scores of full length, entertaining, insightful reviews of films, including Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Falling Down, the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy, and many more. There are sections covering film score soundtracks, books, movie novelizations, profiles of actors and pop stars, and even articles on cult TV shows such as Logan’s Run, The Fantastic Journey, Fantasy Island, Minority Report, Supergirl, Sheena, Amazing Stories, VR5, Revolution, and Stargirl.Pop Culture Musings and Other Stuff is an entertaining, super cool treasure trove and a must have review reference book for film geeks, cult TV fans, soundtrack collectors, and pop culture addicts of all types.

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